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Commitment Ceremony Script

Hi guys, a lot of couples are choosing to do a commitment ceremony instead of a marriage ceremony to show the world their love and commitment for each other.


“Hello, and welcome to the celebration of the union between _____and ______,”

“Today, in front of friends and family, they honor their commitment to not just gazing at one another, but to looking outward together in the same direction.

“Today ______and ______, proclaim their love to the world, and we rejoice with and for them.”

“______and ______, in presenting yourselves here today you perform a remarkable act of faith. This faith can grow and mature and endure, but only if you both determine to make it so.

A lasting and growing love is never automatic, nor guaranteed by any ceremony.”

“Let the foundation of your union be the pure love you have for each other, not just at this moment, but for all the days ahead, honor faithfully the statements and commitments that you bring here today.”

“Faults will appear where now you find contentment, and wonder can be crushed by the routine of daily living. But today you resolve that your love will never be blotted out by the commonplace, obscured by the ordinary, or compromised by life’s difficulties.”

“Stand fast in that hope and confidence, and believe in your shared future just as strongly as you believe in yourselves and in each other today. Only in this spirit can you create a partnership that will sustain all the days of your lives.”

“______and ______, we are here to celebrate as you begin this journey together It is in this spirit that you have come here today to exchange these vows.”


“______, repeat after me: I ______ take you ______to be my partner for life, I promise to live in truth with you. I give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and pledge my love, devotion, faith, and honor as I join my life to yours.”

“______, repeat after me: I ______ take you ______to be my partner for life, I promise to live in truth with you. I give you my hand and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace, and pledge my love, devotion, faith, and honor as I join my life to yours.”

Rings Exchange

“Your rings say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bound together. Let these rings also be a sign that love has substance as well as soul, a present as well as a past, and that love is a circle of happiness, wonder, and delight.”

“____________, Place the ring on ____________ finger and to repeat after me, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love.”

“____________, Place the ring on ____________ finger and to repeat after me, I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love.”


“____________ and ____________in so much as the two of you have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of these rings and the joining of your hands, By the authority vested in me by the State of Florida, I now pronounce you partners for life.”

“Congratulations, You may kiss.”

This is another beautiful ceremony to share your love with friends and family.



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